
21 March

Organization of dermatological services

Dermatology. Achievements and perspectives.

The role of localization and сlinical course of steroid sensitive dermatoses in the choice of topical therapy

What’s new in current approaches in management of skin diseases

Current aspects of pediatric dermatology.

Latest medical technologies in cosmetology

Novelties in injection treatments for skin restructuring

Cosmetology: A combined approach.

The skin rejuvenation, contouring and chemical peels: how to choose the right treatment basing on individual facial features, type of aging and correction area.

Current laser treatments in cosmetology.

Muscle hyperactivity of bottom third of the face resulting in premature aging.

Cosmetology: current aspects of licensing, service standardization and education.


The day program contains:

Spring session of National Academy of Mycology. Tinea infections in Eurasia

IUSTI Europe/IUSTI Asia. Sexually transmitted diseases. The current aspects of diagnosis and management


22 March

Dermatooncology. Skin Melanocytic tumors and current diagnostic methods

Skin lymphomas, vascular tumors and epithelial tumors. Current diagnostic techniques and management

Dermoscopy in the routine practice of oncologist, dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Immunology and allergology as support tools for dermatologist

Psoriasis and disorders of epidermal differentiation

Management of erythematous squamous dermatoses in routine dermatological practice

Efficacy and safety of biologicals in the management of psoriasis: new evidence based opportunities

Hair and scalp diseases

Current approaches to management of superficial tinea

Infectious and non-infectious nail diseases. Routine mycology practice

Instrumental methods in nail diseases management. Orthonexia

New advances in the pathogenesis and management of acne. Workshops for dermatologists and cosmetologists

Latest medical technologies in cosmetology

Botulinum toxin: the future tendencies

Injection contouring treatments: opportunities, perspectives, novelties


The day program contains:

Spring session of National Academy of Mycology. Tinea infections in routine general clinical and out-patient practice

IUSTI Europe/IUSTI Asia. Sexually transmitted diseases. The current aspects of diagnosis and management

23 March

Current technologies of phototherapy in dermatology

Rare and atypical dermatoses

Russian innovation dermoscopy program

Psychodermatology: psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychology as support tools in cosmetology practice

Consensus in dermoscopy signs and terminology

Hair diseases management controversies: for and against

Chemical peels in dermatology and cosmetology practice: from theory to practice

Skin augmentation of anogenital area and nipples. Quality of Life Benefits.

Psoriatic arthritis. The other side

Skin manifestations of internal organ disorders


The day program contains:

XXVIII Cross-disciplinary symposium «Novelty in dermatology, cosmetology, gynecology and andrology»

Spring session of National Academy of Mycology. Cross-disciplinary satellite symposium

IUSTI Europe/IUSTI Asia. Sexually transmitted diseases. The current aspects of diagnosis and management