Changes in immuno-competent cells, as an indicator in the diagnosis of premorbid skin conditions in children

Lviv medical national university by Danylo Halitsky


Zajchenko Y. A.
Parashchuk B. M.
Astsaturov H. E.

Highly sensitive to the action of various anthropogenic factors is the immune system that constantly reacts to numerous endogenic and exogenic agents and irritation. Skin and mucous membranes are continuously coexist and interact directly with the environment. Therefore, the skin and mucous membranes' protection may appear in the development of a half-symptomatic pathology with atypical changes in clinical picture and clinically-unimpessive dermatosis (dystrophic changes syndrome) that could be called Environmental Illness. The aim of our study was the examination of indicators of immuno-competent cells and their correlation with indicators of elements' content: iron, copper, manganese, chromium, rubidium, nickel and lead in the hair of children living in different ecological regions, varying by the polution level. Methods and materials. The survey involved the determination of composition of population and subpopulation lymphocytes by flow cytometry method, using monoclonal antibodies to identify certain types of lymphocytes (CD3 +, CD4 +, CD8 +, CD16/56 +, CD19 +) and determination of microelement composition of hair. Under observation there were 86 children aged 7 to 11 years, diagnosed with dystrophic changes syndrome, residing in different districts of Lviv region. Results. The obtained results have shown for the likely increase in the total number of lymphocytes in children from assumingly-contaminated areas (“DA”) (P <0.001) compared to that of control group children and children living in assumingly-clean areas (“CA”) and the absolute number of SD3 +- lymphocytes, CD4 + - lymphocytes, SD8 + lymphocytes was credibly higher for DA (P <0.001) than for the group of children who lived in CA and the control group. The number of population B-lymphocytes in DA was credibly higher (P <0.05) than the control group. In the group of CA children we have observed credible reduction of the total number of lymphocytes (P <0.05) comparably to the control group. In children living in DA were found credible reduction in iron (P <0.05) and copper (P <0.001), credible increase in concentrations of manganese (P <0.05), chromium (P <0.05), rubidium (P <0.01), nickel (P <0.01)and lead (P <0.001) comparably to the concentration of such elements in the control group and children from CA. After building of multiple correlation regression model it was revealed that regardless of the concentration of manganese in hair but at higher concentrations of lead, an increase in CD4 + lymphocyte parameters in peripheral blood of children living in ecologically unfavorable areas has occured (R = 0,37 at p <0,05). Thus, the study results have confirmed the fact of the negative impact of adverse environmental conditions on the formation of environmental pathology.